Ok people (or person..depending on the number of readers..). I have decided to stop planning my blogs and to just write whenever I feel like it. I'm in my bed right now, the lights are off and I was about to start a fabulous dream when inspiration came knocking at my door. If we were in a cartoon, the bulb would have illuminated. Ting.
I thought of my blog and how I should write random stuff because let's be honest, I spend my life talking about the most random events and topics that occur during my day. For example, yesterday, I came home late in the evening to find my mum reading a book about Sex tips from a Call Girl (
je m'excuse d'avance ma chere maman...mais c'est pour rigoler)
Yes. Was I shocked? Hmm not really (She used to read Simone de Beauvoir in the 10th grade (for literary purposes of course...), c'est pour tout vous dire!)
She had received a party bag (apparently) with two books in it: one about housewife duties and the other one about naughty, naughty activities. Not to my surprise, the book about how to remove stains was no where to be found but under a pile of old magazines. Untouched. However, on the other hand, my mum couldn't stop giggling and quoting lines from the other infamous "guide"..."Oh do you think this way of seducing works?" She starts doing an exaggeration of batting eyes...it was quite sweet. She claims that the book is harder to read than a philosophy novel and requires two readings at least and a dictionary (language barrier?)
Why am I telling you all of this? Oh yeah. Because it's a random episode and I wanted to share it with you. My mum is a funny person.
Anyhow, it's late and I'm suppose to pass a test tomorrow that will determine my ultimate future. Bugger. But I can't stop writing. At least it's in the afternoon...I'm not very good with early mornings. On another subject...
Does anyone have these really weird dreams where you wake up wondering "wtf mate?"? It happened to me yesterday. Weird, weird, weird. Generally, I tend not to remember dreams. This time was strange, there's always a peculiar mix of people involved. What I hate the most in dreams is when everything is perfect and then you wake up and realise it was just a dream. There's this kind of frustration that comes out of it. I'm sure everyone has had this at least once in their life...One example goes way back, when I was a neo-teenager aka 13...those were the days when I had a huge crush on someone I had never met before (always the worse)...Orlando Bloom. (It was the elf ears and the long blond hair. Definitely.) I dreamt we were going out!! Imagine a 13 year old with a 26 year old. Ew. Not cool. The funny part was that three years later, I saw Orlando next to my school snogging Kate Bosworth. Fear not, I did not run upto them and break their embrace whilst crying "WHY?". It actually made me laugh. Anyway, coming back to the dream, I woke up, was in a great mood..and bam. Reality hit me. The sadness, the disapointment...people, don't go too far away from real life! It's not good for your mental health. Ok I'm ending the blabbling about dreams. Dodo. Goodnight.
Coming up... AMcQ, my friend being auctioned in a horse costume, I Blame Coco, these awful Chanel Bags, Interview with Eddie R., and erm fancy a snog?